Boyle reacts to UN report: “Creating Tamil Eelam, the only remedy”


Boyle reacts to UN report: “Creating Tamil Eelam, the only remedy”Reacting to the contents of the UN expert panel’s report on Sri Lanka’s war-crimes, Professor Boyle, expert in International Law, and Professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, told TamilNet, “there is absolutely no way the GOSL [Government of Sri L anka] is going to implement any of them [panel’s recommendations], and the GOSL has already rejected all of them, according to published reports. Therefore, under these circumstances of longstanding and ongoing genocide against them [the Tamils], the only effective remedy the Tamil People now have is to create the State of Tamil Eelam and move to have the International Community recognize it.”

Professor Boyle added:

These excerpts support the worst conclusions that many of us drew during the course of the GOSL genocide against the Tamils in Vanni, which continues even today.All Tamils must support Recommendation 1 (B) (ii) of the Report, that the U.N. Secretary General set up an International Commission of Inquiry on Sri Lanka to investigate GOSL war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide against the Tamils, by reference to and in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The U.N. Human Rights Council just recently established such a Commission on Libya. But given the Council’s notorious bias in favor of Sri Lanka and against the Tamils, as recognized by this Report, the Council is not a viable mechanism for the establishment of that GOSL Commission.

The U.N. Secretary General must do it himself on behalf of the United Nations Organization itself. As for the rest of these Recommendations, there is absolutely no way the GOSL is going to implement any of them, and the GOSL has already rejected all of them, according to published reports.

Therefore, under these circumstances of longstanding and ongoing genocide against them, the only effective remedy the Tamil People now have is to create the State of Tamil Eelam and move to have the International Community recognize it. CREATE THE STATE OF TAMIL EELAM!

In Recommendations 4(A) the report states: The [UN] Human Rights Council should be invited to reconsider its May 2009 Special Session Resolution (A/HRC/8-11/L. 1/Rev. 2) regarding Sri Lanka, in light of this report.

Boyle had earlier commented on the resolution: This is one of the most unprincipled and shameless resolutions ever adopted by any body of the United Nations in the history of that now benighted Organization. It would be as if the U.N. Human Rights Council had congratulated the Nazi government for the “liberation” of the Jews in Poland after its illegal and genocidal invasion of that country in 1939.”

Boyle reacts to UN report: “Creating Tamil Eelam, the only remedy”[TamilNet, Saturday, 16 April 2011, 23:25 GMT]Reacting to the contents of the UN expert panel’s report on Sri Lanka’s war-crimes, Professor Boyle, expert in International Law, and Professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, told TamilNet, “there is absolutely no way the GOSL [Government of Sri L anka] is going to implement any of them [panel’s recommendations], and the GOSL has already rejected all of them, according to published reports. Therefore, under these circumstances of longstanding and ongoing genocide against them [the Tamils], the only effective remedy the Tamil People now have is to create the State of Tamil Eelam and move to have the International Community recognize it.”

Professor Boyle added:

These excerpts support the worst conclusions that many of us drew during the course of the GOSL genocide against the Tamils in Vanni, which continues even today.All Tamils must support Recommendation 1 (B) (ii) of the Report, that the U.N. Secretary General set up an International Commission of Inquiry on Sri Lanka to investigate GOSL war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide against the Tamils, by reference to and in accordance with the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The U.N. Human Rights Council just recently established such a Commission on Libya. But given the Council’s notorious bias in favor of Sri Lanka and against the Tamils, as recognized by this Report, the Council is not a viable mechanism for the establishment of that GOSL Commission.

The U.N. Secretary General must do it himself on behalf of the United Nations Organization itself. As for the rest of these Recommendations, there is absolutely no way the GOSL is going to implement any of them, and the GOSL has already rejected all of them, according to published reports.

Therefore, under these circumstances of longstanding and ongoing genocide against them, the only effective remedy the Tamil People now have is to create the State of Tamil Eelam and move to have the International Community recognize it. CREATE THE STATE OF TAMIL EELAM!In Recommendations 4(A) the report states: The [UN] Human Rights Council should be invited to reconsider its May 2009 Special Session Resolution (A/HRC/8-11/L. 1/Rev. 2) regarding Sri Lanka, in light of this report.

Boyle had earlier commented on the resolution: This is one of the most unprincipled and shameless resolutions ever adopted by any body of the United Nations in the history of that now benighted Organization. It would be as if the U.N. Human Rights Council had congratulated the Nazi government for the “liberation” of the Jews in Poland after its illegal and genocidal invasion of that country in 1939.”

Courtesy :Tamil

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